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At a Glance ( About RUSA )
Established : 1961
Founder Head : Professor K. M. Hossain
M.A/M.Sc. Previous Course : 1961-1962 session
Three years Honours Course : 1962-1963 session
Integrated Honours Course : 1992-1993 session
Four years Honours Course : 1996-1997 session
Number of Academic Staff
: 26 (Professor-18, Associate Professor-05, Assistant Professor-03, Lecturer-00)
Number of Non-Academic Staff : 22
Degree Offered : B.Sc. Honours, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Certificate Course
Number of Students : More than 500
Research Scope
: Demography, Econometrics, Bio-statistics, Bayesian Inference, Stochastic Modeling, Regression Diagnostics, Probability, Order Statistics, Sample re-use of techniques, Robust Statistics, Bootstrap techniques, Industrial Statistics, Reliability, Linear programming, Statistical Inference, Statistical Data Mining, Anthropometric Statistics, Human Growth, Human Morphology, Geo- Statistics, Environmental Statistics, Computer Programming & Simulation, Bioinformatics, Biochemical Engineering and Statistical Signal Processing etc.
Collaboration program with : Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
Research Link program with
Kyoto Gakuen University, Japan and The University of Electro-Communication, Tokyo, Japan
Student’s Association : Parishankan Samity
Journal : International Journal of Statistical Sciences (IJSS)
Contact Information :
Department of Statistics, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh.

E-mail : chair.statru@gmail.com

Fax : +88-0721-750194

Telephone : +88-0721-750041-9/4122

Website : www.statru.org , www.ru.ac.bd/stat/index.htm